2008年1月21日 星期一


我不知道這又是誰的問題了,我想一個人想知道一本書的大綱,一定會先觀看書後的簡介,是的,我也是如此--但這本書完全不適用!! 這本書後方描述的(尤其是"哈利波特成人版"這句),都讓我覺得跟內文不符,我第一次遇見這樣的情況。我去查過原文,基本上,原文是已經寫得在模糊地帶了,咱們中文又幫它添油加醋地多此一舉,造成了這樣的情況,我很懷疑書寫後方大綱(或者說翻譯原文又加以"潤飾")的傢伙有沒有把這本書全部看完,尤其是在個性的描述方面,實在沒必要自我添加原文沒有的內容,這部份真是一個大失敗。當然,除此之外(也就是除了撰寫中文大綱的那個老鼠屎之外),這本書真的是我目前看過最好的一本,上集部分處處充滿英國的諷刺文學,下集急轉直下呈現烏鴉王黑暗的預言,暴力與人性刻劃都描述得恰到好處,完全沒有太過的傾向(就是這點,我很納悶什麼叫做哈利波特成人版,這本書裡面連作愛都沒有描述了,哈利波特慘死的人還比這本書多如過江之鯽!),最主要的,是章節編排的長度非常適合睡前閱讀一篇,我就是這樣慢慢地咀嚼完上下集。可惜的是,如果我沒有觀看後方的大綱,我想我不會覺得這本完美的書籍出現了一點小小的缺角。(我真的很在意!)如果你有興趣閱讀這本書,他非常適合隨時帶在身旁,出國時或者等公車捷運時小閱一篇,同時也給你以下建議:
1. 如果你想知道故事的架構,請在意內文烏鴉王的預言,忘掉後方那個敷衍的大綱!
2. 請把魔法當作是日常生活一般稀鬆平常,因為內文的世界就是這麼一回事
"Two magicians shall appear in Engliand. The first shall fear me; the second shall long to behold me..."

The year is 1806. England is beleaguered by the long war with Napoleon, and it is hundreds of years since practical magic faded into the nation's past. But scholars of this glorious history suddenly discover that one practicing magician still remains: the reclusive Mr. Norrell of Hurtfew Abbey. Challenged to demonstrate his powers, Norrel causes the statues of York Cathedral to speak and sing, and sends a thrill through the country. The magician proceeds to London, trailed by excited rumors, where he raises a beautiful young woman from the dead and finally enters the wars, summoning an army of ghostly ships to terrify the French.

Yet Norrel is soon challenged by the emergence of another magician: the brilliant novice Jonathan Strange. Young, handsome, and daring, Strange is the very opposite of the cautious, fussy Norrel. Still, Norrel agrees to take Strange as a pupil, and the young magician joins England's cause, enduring the rigors of Wellington's campaign in Portugal to lend the army his supernatural skill on the battlefield.

But as Strange's powers grow, so do his ambitions. He becomes obsessed with the founder of English magic, a shadowy twelfth-century figure known as the Raven King. In his increasingly reckless pursuit of the wildest, most perilous forms of magic, Strange risks sacrificing not only his partnership with Norrel, but everything else that he holds dear.
