2010年8月6日 星期五

V-Ray 2.0

V-Ray終於要邁向新的一個版本了,以之前Chaos Group只從1.5、1.6這樣小跳就是因為覺得更改的不夠全面化,這一次直接往前成2.0就知道將會是ㄧ個新的V-Ray,期待Chaos Group能夠帶來劃時代的渲染器!(其實我只希望最大的突破就是增進Render速度而已....)

以下就是這次Siggraph發表的V-Ray 2.0圖片,點選就可以直接放大(請自行使用瀏覽器鍵回到上一頁)恕小弟雞婆直接幫大家翻成中文解說,有任何錯誤請指教。

V-Ray RT GPU. 由三張GeForce 480卡串聯. 即時算出解析度5000大的圖檔

V-Ray RT for Maya版本 (應該是指1.6版的)

V-Ray 2.0 sneak peek: Shademap Cache speeds up DOF and motion blur.
這就是2.0新功能了,使用叫做shademap cache這個新技術設定可以加速景深跟動態模糊的計算!

V-Ray 2.0 sneak peek: Physically correct dispersion support in the V-Ray material.

V-Ray 2.0 sneak peek: VRayDistanceTex. In many ways similar to VRayDirt, but calculated before the raytracing, so unlike VRayDirt this texture can be used to control displacement, fur length etc.

V-Ray 2.0 sneak peek: VRayDistanceTex. In many ways similar to VRayDirt, but calculated before the raytracing, so unlike VRayDirt this texture can be used to control displacement, fur length etc.

V-Ray 2.0 sneak peek: V-Ray Exposure Control. Lets you have the same exposure control as with the V-Ray Physical camera when using regular 3ds Max cameras or perspective/ortho views.
新的V-Ray將會提供一個曝光設定到Max內建的Exposure Control選單上,也就是之後就不需要一定要架設V-Ray Camera也能有曝光設定的功能了!

V-Ray 2.0 sneak peek: V-Ray Exposure Control. Lets you have the same exposure control as with the V-Ray Physical camera when using regular 3ds Max cameras or perspective/ortho views.
同上,整個控制是跟V-Ray Camera的曝光設定相同

V-Ray 2.0 sneak peek: V-Ray Lens Effects - Bloom

V-Ray 2.0 sneak peek: V-Ray Lens Effects - Glare. Lens Effects can be correctly calculated based on your V-Ray camera lens setup.
這就是近年來炒作非常大的後製特效效果 "Glare",讓數位產生的圖片也會有類似攝影機拍出來的紫/綠邊,以增加實景感,現在也可以直接在V-Ray上面設定了!(需要使用V-Ray Camera)

08.13 Update
附上了Chaos Group 在Siggraph的產品介紹,第一段就是V-Ray 2.0,快來感受一下新ㄧ代超快速Render功能吧!

2 則留言:

Sean Chen' blog 提到...

well, u got a wrong describe about dispersion, it actually a physical act of light like rainbow and diamond.

John 提到...
